Sinh học Lớp10

by Book99cent



Biology Grade 10 is the best textbook appBook Users Manual PREVIEW Lesson 1: An overview of the Biology program Lesson 2: Methods of studying and studying Biology Lesson 3: Levels of organization of the living world CHAPTER 1. COMPONENTS CHEMICALS OF CELLS Lesson 4: Overview of cells Lesson 5: Chemical elements and water Lesson 6: Biomolecules in cells Lesson 7: Practice: Identify some chemical components of cells Cells Review Chapter 1 CHAPTER 2. CELL STRUCTURE Lesson 8: Prokaryotic Cells Lesson 9: Eukaryotic Cells Lesson 10: Practice: Cell Observation Review Chapter 2 CHAPTER 3. ENERGY IN CELLS Lesson 11: Transport of substances across the plasma membrane Lesson 12: Practice: Transport of substances across the plasma membrane Lesson 13: Metabolism of matter and energy in cells Lesson 14. Practice: Some Enzyme Experiments Lesson 15: Synthesizing substances and storing energy Lesson 16: Breaking down substances and releasing energy Lesson 17: Information between cells Review Chapter 3 CHAPTER 4. CELLCYCLE , Cell division and cell technology Lesson 18: Cell cycle Lesson 19: The process of cell division Lesson 20: Practice: Observing a specimen of mitotic and meiotic divisions Lesson 21: Cell technology Review Chapter 4 CHAPTER 5. MICROBIROLOGICAL AND APPLICATION Lesson 22: Overview of microorganisms Lesson 23: Practice: Some research methods of microorganisms Lesson 24: Synthesis and decomposition in microorganisms Lesson 25: Growth and reproduction in microorganisms Lesson 26: Microbial technology Lesson 27: Application of microorganisms in practice Lesson 28: Practice: Fermentation Review Chapter 5 CHAPTER 6. VIRUS AND APPLICATION Lesson 29. Viruses Lesson 30: Applications of viruses in medicine and practice Lesson 31: Viruses that cause disease Review Chapter 6 Glossary of terms